Safeguarding our children
Schools and their staff form part of the wider safeguarding system for children. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.
(Keeping Children Safe in Education – DfE, 2024)
Safeguarding Leaders
Designated Safeguarding Lead is Sarah Stevenson
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead is Sarah Griffiths
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead in Lucy Bull
Governor Responsible for Safeguarding Ruth Elkins
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility
If you are worried about a child and you do not feel they are in immediate risk of harm you can ask to speak to any of the above staff who will record your concerns.
What to do if you are concerned about a child
If you are concerned that a child or young person is being harmed or neglected, or is at risk of this, you should follow the guidance below.
Immediate Risk of Significant Harm – Priority
Where a child is at immediate risk of significant harm, please call the Children & Families Hub on 0345 603 7627 and ask for the ‘Priority Line’, or call the Police on 999.
During out of hours (Monday to Thursday 5pm to 9am, Friday and Bank Holidays 4:30pm to 9am), please call: 0345 606 1212 or email:
Useful Information
You can find out more at the NSPCC
Online road safety tools for primary school children can be found on the Safer Essex Roads Partership
The Government have launched a new campaign called “Together we can tackle child abuse” and have published simple resources aimed at everyone in the community to increase awareness of child abuse and how to report it, which can be found here:
What to do if you are a child concerned about a friend
If you, your friend or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 999.
If you think that you, your friend or someone you know is being hurt or frightened by someone they know or online, call the children’s line on 0345 603 7627. This phone line is open Monday to Thursday 9am to 5:30pm, and Fridays 9am to 4:30pm.
For out of hours or bank holidays, call the emergency duty team on 0345 606 1212.