The School Day
Home E The School Day

Our School Day

We aim to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum within our teaching week. It is essential that children are in school and ready to learn by 8.50am every day. The school day ends at 3.15pm.

Extra Curriculum activities vary from term to term but all clubs start at 3.15pm and the majority end at 4.15pm (there are a few exceptions to this)


Classes 1 and 2

8.50-10.30                  (one hour 40 minutes – 100 minutes)

10.45-12.00                  (one hour 15 minutes – 75 minutes)

13.15-15.15                   (two hours – 120 minutes)

Classes 3 and 4

8.50-10.30                  (one hour 40 minutes – 100 minutes)

10.45-12.15                  (one hour 30 minutes – 90 minutes)

13.15-15.15                   (two hours – 120 minutes)

Lunch time is 12:15 – 1:15 for all classes.


32.5 hours per week


PE and Forest School

We ask all children in class 2, 3 and 4 to come to school in their P.E on those days and class 1 children need to bring their P.E kit into school and leave it here.

Class 1 P.E Tuesday and Wednesday

Class 2 P.E Monday and Wednesday

Class 3 and class 4 P.E Wednesday and Friday

Class 2 and 3 have forest schools Wednesday

Class 1 have forest school Friday

Class 2 and 3  have Forest School sessions on a  Wednesday and Class 1 have Forest School on a Friday. The children need to have long sleeves and long trousers/leggings for these sessions. They also need weather appropriate clothing as the sessions take place whatever the weather.